Our flight today took us out of Yuba City, Sutter Co. Airport O52 before 0800 on October 26, 2017. Flying at 1500AGL out of controlled airspace toward the city of Oroville, following the Thermalito forebay we flew four grids of various altitudes and directions shooting with a Canon 80D and various telephoto lenses in RAW 4K. On the return leg we flew downstream back to Marysville and Yuba City taking note of the levees and ongoing upgrades. This is a small sampling of some of the 500+ images shot in an that hour flight.
Morning flight out of Sutter County to document the continuing process of the February 2017 event at the Oroville dam. All images shot from the Piper Cherokee 6 at 2000’AGL and are property of NewAgeAerial.com and not to be used without permission. No UAVs where used in any of these images
295 WiskeyThermalito Diversion PoolThermalito Power CanalEarthworks, power plant, spillway looking northlooking northeast from the power station towards the gatesdownstream view of the Thermalito Forebayfinal connection of the upper and lower sections of the spillwaymostly completed spillwayfull run of the spillwaydownstream of the spillway gatesgates, emergency spillway looking southEmergency spillwayemergency spillway and gates with staging areasOroville dam looking SouthEast8am Oroville dam overviewnew river outline and on-site earth worksemergency spillway looking northscouring still present on opposite bankdownstream looking eastemergency spillway looking eastdetail shot of the final connectionlevee work next to Sutter Co airport at confluence looking at runway 17levee work in Sutter Co at western approach to the 5th street bridge5th street bridge, Marysville and levee work looking souththe 3 bridges looking due east from 2000′ AGL at the confluence with highway 70 in the midground